Saturday, April 11, 2009

A New Thing

i'm stuck in between doing what i want, what is necessary, what the majority of people around me think is right(this is where i'm really stumped), and what i believe to be true.  as i try and not be in a category of liberals, democrats, republican, democrat, religious, atheist, a person that believes in a higher being or not i think i have developed views in some way or another that each has truth to them and the rest is just there. the part of me that is the "rebel" or "fool" that some people have me set out to be has a part that shines through REFORM. that "hippy" part of me that i don't really like at all mostly because how people i know view "hippies" i think that part of me is like... why are we so stuck in our ways? how come we think things are right or wrong? what makes them right or wrong. why does everything have to be right or wrong.. as if we are all our own god(which i do realize is a different belief) and that what we say ... is. nice thought but it is not true.  so maybe since we don't know exactly what is perfect we shouldn't act like our opinion is THE truth. 

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